New Songs & New Shows for 2016

We are very busy right now working on new songs for our upcoming shows. We’ve got some exiting new material that we’d love to play for you. Check out our list of shows for April and May on the “Concerts” page. We’d love to see you…

8Below – What a Cool Club

Thanks to Phil, Konny und Marius at 8Below – what a cool club. We had a great time last Thursday with a lot of our friends from Munich. We shared the stage with a fantastic new band – Croux. If you ever get the chance, go…

Anyone seen the keys?

Have you ever lost your keys? It’s frustrating. CHB have been without a keyboard player for a long time and we’ve finally found one – Claudia Fischer – the newest member of the band. And as if that isn’t enough, Claudia is also a fantastic singer.

Changes for 2016

The new year is quickly approaching and there are a few changes for CHB. There are a few new band members to introduce: Carlos Köhler (Bass) and Bernhard Schönberger (Drums). I’m really looking forward to playing with these guys!

Weilheim Stadttheater

We have a very interesting concert coming up on Friday, 26 June 2015, 8:00pm in the Weilheim Stadttheater. We will be playing together with the Markus Vetter Band. This is not one of the usual club gigs we do (which I love). Rather, this is a large,…

Village People

Thanks again to Dieter and the Village Team in Habach. We had another great time playing two sets. Some special friends from the Village jam sessions sat in with us a a couple of John Mayer classics: Philipp Kuhne (voice) and Markus Vetter (guitar). I…

Thanks Inninger Spectacel

We had a fantastic time at the Inninger Spectacel. We played two rockin’ sets with our new bass player Holger Hetchko who nailed it. A big thank you to Paul and Martin and the whole Spectacel team – and especially to everyone who came out to…

Some upcoming shows

We have a few really interesting shows coming up. We will be back at the Inninger Spectacel (my second living room) on Wednesday 15 April 2015 at 8:00 pm. I was in Habach at the Village jam session last night and was able to pin down…

Introducing Holger Hetschko

We are very happy to announce that we have found a new bass player – Holger Hetschko. After going through a number of auditions that didn’t really work out so well, things were looking a bit grim. Then my iPhone rang in the middle of a gallery…

Looking forward to 2015

We had a great time together in 2014 and there are so many people to thank: Paul and Matin at the Inninger Spectacel, the Village Crew in Habach. I’d especially like to thank Gundi Herget, who I’ve played with for so many years now; and…